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CAP 110 Infinity God Road Online|CAP 110|Rebirth Server|SEASON 2 16.08.2024 GRAND OPENING

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Sep 27, 2024
Infinity God Road Online|CAP 110|Rebirth Server|SEASON 2 16.08.2024 GRAND OPENING

Dear community, we would like to let you know that Infinity God Road is going in SEASON 2 and we are inviting you to join our REBIRTH server with max stats of 10k. We also want to mention that Infinity God Road was build with a little bit hard game play, and also we plan to integrate innovations constantly. We plan to make our system a dynamic one which means that our developers are constantly working to let our network up to date. We aimed to create Infinity God Road circle which constantly renewing itself and to form a competitive gaming field.

GRAND OPENING 16.08.2024 6PM GMT+2
Note: We are trying to make a article to describe Infinity God Road, so let's just move to the lovely details and you gonna discover everything smoothly while reading...

Make sure to join our discord and website to stay updated with all news.

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♦ System:

330 (CH), 220 (EU)​
PT (Exp/SP)
Rebirth System
enabled with 10k stats max​
Battle Arena
Fortress war (Jangan)
Vote for Silks (Website)
IP Limit
Clients per PC
Job PC Limit
CTF PC Limit
Battle Arena PC Limit
FTW PC Limit

♦ Start Items:

HP recovery potion (X-large)​
MP recovery potion (X-large)​
100% EXP helper​
60% EXP helper​
60% resurrection scroll​
Reverse return scroll​
Instand return scroll​
Beginner scroll of movement​
Monkey Summon Scroll (3 days)​
Rebirth Scroll STR + INT (beginner) (will add extra 150 stat points)​
Devilspirit (7 days)​
Santa Dress​

♦ Max Stack:

Since we know that playing with low amount of stack on items is just a pain, and so we thought about increasing the main items to help you in playing.

♦ Coins:

1st: Arena coin: You get droped the arena coins from CTF, Battle Arena, Collosseum and every unique on the server.
2nd: Diamand coin: You get droped the diamond coins from the Infinity God Road uniques.
3rd: Silver coin: You get droped the silver coins from the holy water temple uniques.
4th: Crystal coin: You get droped the crystal coins from the FGW uniques.
5th: Job coin: You get droped the job coins from job cave uniques.

♦ Stones NPC (JG) D11-D15:

♦ Autoequipment:

Since we know that this feature is very useful, we added full blue +5 seal of sun set starting from D1 to D10.

♦ Filter features:

Main menu

Control your Grant Name, Titles and see Rankings like Unique Ranking, Job Ranking, Unique Hitory etc.

Item linking

Press CTRL + Left Mouseclick on Item in Global or Chat, to link it.

Damage meter

Shows all near players in the range of the killed unique their damage they did to the killed monster.

Colored titles

You have the possibility to change the color of your title in any color you want.

Unique History

In this window you can see the last killed uniques and the time, when they have been killed.

Dynamic ranking

Here you can see different rankings like job, unique and honor.

AFK Bubbles :-

Since in game community there is direct communication such feature was required to make the connection bond much stronger between players..

Godsend skills

Once you hit 110, you can skill the Godsend Skills with 100m SP each Skill. You can get 100m SP Scrolls by killing certain Uniques. Every build has those Godsend skills, CH & EU.

Rebirth balance buff STR

To get the buff: int stat points must be <500 and str / int points should be >=3

Rebirth balance buff INT

To get the buff: Your STR points must be less than 500 stat points (all STR increases through items count) and your int / str points must be greater or equal to 3. (STR x 3 = INT)

Treasure boxes (Tier 1 - Tier 3)

Tier 1: Drops normal + rebirth scroll randomly (normal epic legendary)
Tier 2: Drops normal + rebirth scroll randomly + skillpoint scroll randomly
Tier 3: Drops normal + rebirth scroll randomly + skillpoint scroll randomly + SILK SCROLL randomly

Buy area

In this Area in Jangan, you can find NPCs where you can buy the shown stuff.

♦ Scrolls:

We have created some scrolls to make the game play smoother and easier:

Gift silk scrolls:

Since silk is one of the main in game purchases currencies , we thought to add silk scrolls into item mall and make it tradable too, which mean you can buy silk for other players in game for in game currencies like gold or trade it for any required materials, in same time silk will remain free to get by other ways will be explained below. Giftsilk is also available in the item mall and through jobbing and hunting uniques.

Not to be pay2win like other server, we put silk + gift silk scrolls (for free) in Uniques. You get it by drop.

♦ Glow changer:

This scrolls changes your weapon glow.

Advanced Elixir +5

The Advanced Elixir +5 will gain your weapon a +5.

Colored globals

There you can see, if you buy the colored global, your global will appear in different colours. (*note: Red is a GM a colour!)

Beginner Rebirth scrolls

You get a free Rebirth scroll in the beginning, which grants you 150 Stat Points once you used it. Can be used at Level 100.

Rebirth scrolls (by drop): (normal, epic, legendary)

Once you are Level 100, you can use the rebirth scroll to start a ,,rebirth". You will get back to Lv 1 again, and get additional statpoints to skill STR & INT. You will get 5 additional stat points with the "normal" Rebirth scroll, 15 statpoints with the "epic" Rebirth scroll and 30 statpoints with the "legendary" Rebirth scroll.

Skillpoint scrolls: (Normal, epic, legendary)

Normal gives 10m skillpoints, epic gives 50m skillpoints and legendary gives 100m skillpoints. They are usefull for the rare and strong godsend skills.

God Bless buff with/out effect was created to grand you more power and increase your agility for better game play. You can buy it in the buffs and special goods NPC in jangan.​

♦ More Dungeons:

Devils Garden

Collosseum (job war arena)

Roc nest arena *coming soon*

Styria room

Medusa room

Seth room

Jupiter Dungeon

Rebirth Event Dungoen *coming soon*
You can find the Infinity God Road uniques in ,,Devils Garden".
They are dropping D11 stuff, scrolls like rebirth and skillpoint and the rare treasure box tier 3.

Note: The Infinity God Road uniques appearing every 4 hours.

In the colloseum is the job war arena. You are fighting against your enemys. (thiefs, hunter, trader). There u get drops like treasure boxes tier 1 - 3, arena coins and job coins.

Roc nest is the ultimative area. There is starting with baby roc to the normal roc and after killing him death bone roc is appearing. All rocs have special rare drops like the unique scrolls rebirth, skillpoint, silks and the treasure boxes.

Note: Roc is appearing every 3 days.

Styria room:
There you will find the pillars, which spawn envys after killing them. The evnys drop is the dimension holes for Forgotten World (FGW 1 - 4 * )
In the same room are spawning the Infinity God Road Uniques Red Unknown & Blue Unknown with unique drops like EGY A equipment, the rare treasure box and more.

Medusa room:
There you will find the Unique Medusa. Medusa is dropping unique drops like Egy A equipment, the rare treasure box and more.

Seth room:
There you will find the Unique Seth. Seth is dropping unique drops like Egy A equipment, the rare treasure box and more also.

Jupiter Dungeon:
There you will find mobs and uniques:
1* with job cave uniques (isis, neith, selket)
2* with infinitygodroad uniques (light unknown, ultra unknown, dark unknown)
3* with medusa, redunknown and roc as boss monster in the end

Rebirth event Dungeon:
There you will find 5 Rebirth uniques. The uniques spawn a elite spawn.
They give you many exp, so you will can do a lot of rebirth.​

♦ Alchemy Notice:

Upon succeeding to plus any item to +15 [Max plus], a GM Notice with your name and the item that you plused will appear for everyone to see.​

♦ Battle Arena - Capture The Flag:

Since almost everyone love CTF & BA so we have set as reward to be Arena Coins for both of them. Although to avoid cheats we have set minimum level to register to BA or CTF is level 101 with 1x PC Limit.​

♦ Free Silk:

Free silk is a must , since we need to give all players the chance to have plenty of silk, and because we are making a play 2 win server, Check the below :-​
  • Silk/hour :- 1
    Daily Voting :-
  • Every Player will get 4 Silk as soon as voting in our top list completed, players need to be level 1 or more before they can get silk. [ IP Limit ]
    Jobbing :-
  • Every Player can get silk through jobbing. (Uniques, Treasure boxes)
    Auto-Events :-
  • Automatic events rewards is a fair, chellanging and fun for all Players who can win it, you can get from 10 ~ 50 silk depends on the type of event.
    NOTE : Total amount of silk which can be gifted daily [25 ~ 75] silk ... Based on each player priority and activity.​

♦ Fellow Pet System:

Fellow, also pickup Pets will be available for silk. All fellow pet bugs such as speed bug have been fixed. And since these pets are the player fellows...they are going to help you by debuffing your enemies, And with higher debuff rate after you upgrade your fellow pet.​

The unique grab pets are very very rair. You have to find the soul by drop.​

♦ SOX System:

Since we know how hard to farm an item a system with different tiers in same degree, so we decided to enable quest / NPC's for rare equipment and weapons.
Description: (Seal of Infinity) [NOVA] are the basic SOX items.
Obtain method: Usually be dropped with all 11D monsters and uniques.

Description: (Destruction - Myth - Power) these are the second tier of 11D SOX items which usually be stronger than (Seal of Infinity).
Obtain Method: (Equipment & accessorys) By farming coins (silver, job, diamond, crystal, arena) which are able to farm from uniques and jobbing, you can buy the Power parts in hotan from the Battle Arena NPC.

To receive a Power weapon, you can make the FGW quest to get a EGY A Power weapon.

Description: (Infinity God Road - Fight) this is the last tier of 11D SOX items which usually be the strongest items in 11D Cap.
Obtain Method: (Equipment & accessorys) By farming coins (silver, job, diamond, crystal, arena) which are able to farm from uniques and jobbing, you can buy the Fight parts in jangan in the mall market for equipment.

To receive a Power weapon, you have to do the FGW quest with talismans for the collection book to get a EGY A weapon. (Hotan, Guild Manager Musai)

To receive a Fight weapon, you have to do the FGW quest with talismans to get a EGY B weapon.
(Alexandria South, Governor Senmute)

NOTE : The Sea of Resentment Quest ( Talismans Collection ) is repeatable!​

♦ Forgotten World:

Team up and eliminate monsters and uniques in the shipwrecks. Collect the talismans to get a EGY A & B Weapon. Dimension holes are available at Arena Item Manager NPC in hotan.

NOTE : All grades are giving talismans, nova weapons, nova accessories, rebirth, skillpoint scrolls and a rare treasure box. (Tier 1 ~ 3)

The Main purpose is completing FGW quest to upgrade your power weapon to Fight weapon by collecting all talismans and deliver it, and as mentioned before this quest is repeatable.​

♦ Infinity God Road Uniques:

Hunting uniques have been a main part of silkroad game play, so prepare your weapons and get ready to hunt uniques and get nova items, arena coins, rebirth scrolls, skillpoint scrolls and the rare treasure box.​

♦ Job Uniques: (Devils Garden)
Since job uniques killing was always the team up event that shows the challenge between ( traders/hunters ) vs thieves... and the winner will enter the uniques room to take over the monsters. We have assigned a drop item which is the rare silver coin.​
Prepare yourself alchemy masters. Alchemy has been always backdoor for wealth for some , ِand nervous for others. Although it will still give the feeling of ecstasy when we achieve our required plus or status and there is no indicator for the success rate, you might have all the tools for a smooth alchemy but BOOM you watch your item disappearing or failing Infinity God Road alchemy rate is still mid-rate with the maximum plus 15. (without Adv. +5)​
Lucky powder rates:
+1 > 50%
+2 > 50%
+3 > 50%
+4 > 45%
+5 > 40%
+6 > 35%
+7 > 30%
+8 > 20%
+9 > 15%
+10 > 10%
+11 > 5%
+12 till +15 > 3%
+16 = 0% will fail for 100%, so dont try it.
Lucky magic powder rates:
+1 > 55%
+2 > 55%
+3 > 55%
+4 > 50%
+5 > 45%
+6 > 40%
+7 > 35%
+8 > 25%
+9 > 20%
+10 > 15%
+11 > 10%
+12 till +15 > 8%
+16 = 0% will fail for 100%, so dont try it.
You can use the own created ADV +5 on your weapon/equipment to reach the max + Lv of 20.

Infinity God Road Network Team is honored to invite you to be the very first ones who join our community and give us a try !


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Infinity God Road - where the great fun is!
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The Infinity God Road Team
@elitecommunity @elitepvpers @silkroad @silkroad private server @srocave infinty online silkroad private server silkroad private server advertising