IGN : YasuoView attachment 1178
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Hello everyone from Lilith Online. We are coming to give you the ingame-free, completely fair 80 Cap excitement you missed!
Our players who played our previous project know that we provided our players with a completely problem-free, uninterrupted gaming experience technically.
In our new server, Lilith Online Season III, we offer you a completely solo-focused and fair game with no agreements!
Everything in our game is designed for you, the players, to enjoy more and play a full game in a fair way.
As the Lilith Online team, we promise to offer you a fair, stable, fun-filled, problem-free game on our server. Have fun to all our players!
Admin Team:
Owner & Developer: [Aquarius]
The only authorized person in our game and also all developments of our game belong to Aquarius.
As you will see in the rest of the introduction, our server has special and new events and systems that you have not seen in any other server.
Asistan: [Xaralka]
Our teammate who will support you in every way throughout the Lilith Online adventure is Xaralka.
In addition, he plays a major role in the development process of the game and the preparation of the designs.
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We guess that most of us can no longer spend as much time playing games as we used to, and all of our time is now much more valuable.
Based on this idea, we will offer you a gaming experience that requires a certain amount of activity and at the same time, you can get something by botting.
In this way, both our players who do not have time and work will not be left behind and our active players will be able to get everything.
We think that 10x EXP rates are a must for the 80 Cap experience you miss, so the EXP rate has been set to 10x.
Of course, in order not to bore you, 1,000,000 SP will be given at the beginning, we will not push you too hard in terms of SP, you can easily open the skill you want.
In addition, you will be able to earn plenty of EXP with quests, and Quests/Events are waiting for you to support you a lot during your grinding process.
Start Level: 1 Lv.
Max Level: 80 Lv.
Race: Only CHN
Mastery: 300
EXP Rate: 10x
Sox System: 8D Moon&Sun(Drop)(Sun will be activated in next weeks.)
Silk System
Quest System
NEW! Daily Systems
PC Limit: 2
IP Limit: 4
Job Limit: 1
Event Limit: 1
Plus Limit: 13(ADV+2)(Can be increased in next weeks)
Devil Plus Limit: +5
Guild Limit: 16
Union Limit: Union Disabled
Honor System: Event & Unique Based
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Since the rates on our server will already be difficult, we will not bother you about your pot, reverse, pet needs at the beginning.
Since SUN items between 5-7D will be purchased with Gold Coins and SOS+5 FB items are available at the NPC, auto equipment is not active.
You can get your SUN FB set by doing the tasks or you can get your SOS+5 FB sets directly from the NPC without doing the tasks.
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Here is what we have ready for you as you begin your adventure:
50.000 HP/MP Potion
10.000 Universal Pill
3 Day Grab Pet
50x Instant Return Scroll
50x Reverse Return Scroll
1x 3 Day %100 Speed
5x Buffalo(Trans Pet)
5x Pegasus(Ride Pet)
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The first 100 people to reach Level 80 in our game will be rewarded.
The reward is as follows:
Rank 1-8: 1000 Silk + TryHard Title + Discord TryHard Role
Rank 9-16: 500 Silk
Rank 17-50: 250 Silk
Rank 51-100: 100 Silk
Ek olarak 80. Seviyeye ulaşan herkese sistem otomatik 100M gold verir.
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1-7D SUN weapons have been added to magic pop and their rates are quite easy. In addition, you will be able to get SUN sets and acc parts between 5D-7D from the NPC in Jangan.
You will be able to get these SUN items with the coins you get from the quests we added to our game. Everyone who completes the quests will be able to get SUN sets easily.
In addition, the alchemy rate between 1-7D has been made much easier. Thus, you will not have any difficulty in the slots during the grinding process.
8D MOON items will be active from the first day and SUN items will be active in the following days. You can get all 8D Moon items from the slots through drops and
with boxes you can get in the event/quest/dungeon areas. Since our server will be long-lasting, the rates have been set with difficulty.
8D Final Item: Mob Drop
8D Moon Item: Active at opening! +2 stronger than final items. Can be obtained from slots and boxes.
8D Sun Item: It will be active in the coming days and has a strength of MOON+2.
There are Niya Hunters in Roc Mountain. In addition, 2 Job Slots have been added.
Characters with Premium can enter these slots. 2 Job Slots are similar to each other and are separated according to their level ranges.
Mobs in these slots have 1.5x EXP/DROP rate. Some of the stones in our game will be obtained as drops and some have been added to the stone shop.
In this way, we will both preserve the value of gold and you will be able to grind stones by botting as in the original system.
In addition, stones obtained from drops can also be obtained through quests.
LUCK/STEADY stones are obtained through drops. Similarly, elixir drops have been added to quests and dungeons.
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8D Items Alchemy Rate:
+1 = %100
+2 = %90 (%100 with LMP)
+3 = %80 (%100 with LMP)
+4 = %40 (%100 with LMP)
+5 = %25 (%100 with LMP)
+6 = %15 (%50 with LMP)
+7 = %10 (%25 with LMP)
+8 = %1 (%5 with LMP)
+9 = %1 (%2 with LMP)
+10 = %1 (%2 with LMP)
Lucky Magic Powder and Alchemy Booster (2%), which you can buy with gold from Special NPC, also increase your chances.
In order not to discourage our players and not to increase the gap between players who donate a lot and players who do not donate, the rate is set relatively easy up to +7 and very difficult after +7, so that we can configure a nice character that you can enjoy without donating to our server and we will maintain the balance of power. These rates are much higher for 1-7D, and it passes 100% with powder up to +6.
Devil Alchemy Rate:
+1 = %75(without powder) & %100(with powder)
+2 = %25(without powder) & %50(with powder)
+3 = %10(without powder) & %25(with powder)
+4 = %10(without powder) & %25(with powder)
+5 = %10(without powder) & %25(with powder)
We recommend that you use Lucky Powder when trying to plus your Devil. You can buy 1st Degree Lucky Powders that you can use for Devil from Special NPC for gold.
Fast alchemy is set in Donwhang town. You can quickly plus, blue, stat with bot.
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Don't you want to be rewarded for what you have accomplished in the game? The game will reward you for what you have accomplished in many areas.
There are currently 10 missions and these missions will be increased in the coming days.
At the same time, you will earn both rewards and have unique titles with each mission you complete.
Sample Achievements:
Hunt 10 Tiger Girl(STR/INT) and 10 Uruchi(STR/INT)
REWARD: 5x Magic POP
TITLE: Unique Hunter
Be in Solo Unique DPS first 3 for 5 times
REWARD: 10x Magic POP
TITLE: Sereness Slayer
Kill 100 players in Job Mode
REWARD: 10x Magic POP
TITLE: Job Master
Win Battle Arena 20 Times
REWARD: 100x Arena Coin
TITLE: Warlord
Be in Medusa DPS first 5 for 3 times
REWARD: 10x Magic POP
TITLE: Medusa Slayer
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We have integrated your Magic POP system into our game in a way that will not disrupt the balance in any way.
All items in Magic POP have been removed and only S Devil, GDF, 5% Alchemy Booster and 1-7D weapons have been added.
In order to help you stretch, 1-7DG SUN weapons have been added to magic pop and the chance of winning is 20%, meaning you will win the item in an average of 5 pops.
The rates of S Devil and GDF have been set to difficult in order not to decrease their value, but you can get Magic POP cards from F10,
as well as from many events in our game, uniques and gift shops.
The 5% Alchemy Booster drop rate is medium difficulty and is definitely an item you will need in Alchemy!
In addition to GDF in Magic POP, GDF with lower features has been added to Special NPC.
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Due to the system in our game, you will need a lot of gold, both lucky magic powder and dungeon stones and more.
As the Lilith Online team, we have determined the caravan route as Jangan-Hotan only in order to increase competition and job wars in job.
We know that this route will be long for our valuable players, so you can teleport directly from Jangan Ferry to Hotan Ferry and from Hotan Ferry directly to Jangan Ferry.
In addition, the speed of the caravan pets has been set to 6.
In order to prevent gold accumulation on our server and not to lock our players in the caravan, a daily limit has been set for the caravan.
Regardless of how much you fill your pet, you can caravan 15 rounds per day, after which the system will not allow you to buy goods.
In addition, the hunters in your party do not cut the gold of the traders. In addition, you will earn a reward from the special caravan reward system every time you sell FULL goods.
You can find the details of the special caravan reward system in the continuation of the introduction.
Caravan Profit Rate:
Jangan -> Hotan: 250M KAR
Hotan -> Jangan: 250M KAR
Thief Karı: 50M KAR
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With our specially designed new system, you will earn a reward with a 50% chance for every full item you steal or sell.
The rewards you earn will come to your character chest. You can earn a maximum of 3 rewards per day.
The items in the reward pool will definitely be worth your time!
%1 Moon Acc
%1 Lilith Sacred Box
%8 Lilith Box
%20 Magic POP
%20 5x Arena Coin
%50 No-Reward
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There are 3 types of boxes on our server, the Lilith Box is easier to obtain, but it contains very valuable items.
The Legendary Lilith Box is harder to obtain, but it can contain many valuable items, including the MOON Item.
The Sacred Lilith Box will also be relatively difficult to obtain, but it is definitely worth it for the character buffs inside.
You can find the contents of the boxes below. When any moon/essence is obtained from the boxes, it is announced to the whole server with a notice.
[Lilith Box]
%10 Moon Item
%10 ADV B Weapon(Normal)(Available on shop with VERY HIGH price)
%10 Alchemy Booster(%5)
%10 Damage Increase Scroll
%10 Damage Absorption Scroll
%25 Magic Pop
%25 Arena Coin
[Legendary Lilith Box]
%30 10x Arena Coin
%45 Moon Clothes
%20 Moon Accessory
%5 Moon Weapon/Shield
[Sacred Lilith Box]
%20 Strength Essence
%20 Intelligence Essence
%20 Support Essence
%20 Speed Essence
%5 Powerfull Essence
%5 God's Speed Essence
%5 Berserk God Essence
%5 God's Defence Essence
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We know that some players want to have fun without spending money while playing the game and get items like premium, devil, reverse.
For this reason, we added the Gift Silk system to our game, so you can have many items without donating to the game by participating in events and playing an active game.
Some of the items you can get with Gift Silk are: Premium, Devil, Sabakun, Reverse, Global, Attack/Def Sc, Devil Stone and more.
These items are not tradeable. You can earn Gift Silk from events and uniques in the game.
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You can earn honor by participating in events on our server and killing uniques. In order not to drop our players who are behind in honor or who are new to our game,
honor rank will be reset twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays. You can find the honor points they earn in the details of the events in our game and in the details of the uniques.
We do not want to reward the top 50 in Honor Rank and leave many of our players behind. Therefore, the top 100 will receive honor buffs and the buff distribution is as follows:
1-10: King Buff
11-30: Gold Buff
31-60: Silver Buff
61-100: Bronze Buff
In order to prevent honor buffs from disrupting the balance, some changes have been made and updated as follows:
King Buff: %5 Parry Rate Increase / %5 Moving Speed Increase
Gold Buff: %3 Phy/Mag Attack Increase / %3 Phy/Mag Absorption
Silver Buff: %10 Moving Speed Increase
Bronze Buff: %5 Attack Rate Increase
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Many quests have been added to our game for your EXP needs and additional rewards while leveling up. While you can get the original quests while grinding, in addition to these,
the following quests have also been added. All of the cutting quests count towards the members of the party at the same time, so you can complete the quests quickly with the party.
New quests will be added in the following days of the server. You can buy 5-7D SUN items from the NPC in Jangan with the Gold Coins you earn from the quests.
Hunting Jangan Monster: 15x Gold Coin/EXP/GOLD/Magic POP | Available once!
Hunting Donwhang Monster: 15x Gold Coin/EXP/GOLD/Magic POP | Available once!
Hunting Hotan(Grass) Monster: 15xGold Coin/EXP/GOLD/Magic POP | Available once!
Hunting Karakoram Monster: 15x Gold Coin/EXP/GOLD/Magic POP | Available once!
Hunting Taklamakan Monster: 15x Gold Coin/EXP/GOLD/Magic POP | Available once!
Beginner Job Arena Hunt: 15x Gold Coin/EXP/Magic POP | Available once!
Advanced Job Arena Hunt: EXP/Magic POP | Available once!
Hunting Tiger Girl: GOLD/Magic POP/Elixir | Daily Quest!
Hunting Uruchi: GOLD/Magic POP/Elixir | Daily Quest!
Hunting Isyutaru: GOLD/Magic POP/Elixir | Daily Quest!
Hunting Lord Yarkan: GOLD/Magic POP/Elixir | Daily Quest!
Jupiter Dungeon Quest: GOLD/Magic POP/Elixir/Stone/Lilith Box | Daily Quest!
Hunting 30.000 Niya Hunter/Cruel Tiger: 1x Lilith Box / 5x Magic POP | Daily Quest!
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It is one of the most valuable and difficult dungeons in our game. You can enter between Lv. 61-80, but the mobs inside will make it very difficult for you.
It is a dungeon that can be entered with a party, and we recommend that you enter with your friends. Before entering, do not forget to get the Jupiter Dungeon Quest from Jangan Quest Manager. With this quest, you will be able to have many elixirs, stones, magic pops, SP and Lilith boxes. In addition, depending on your luck, you can get the Legendary Lilith Box from the last unique Jupiter you will kill. The Legendary Lilith Box will be very rare on our server and will be very valuable. Jupiter Dungeon will be very important for you to level both the Lilith Box and the Legendary Lilith Box. When you enter, the indicators on the map and the passing notices will inform you. You can enter the Jupiter dungeon once a day, and we recommend that you do not miss any day.
Remember, the monsters inside will make it difficult for you!
Additionally, there is a 2% chance of Lilith Sacred Box dropping from the uniques you kill in the dungeon, Yuno and Babilion, and a 10% chance of Sacred Lilith Box dropping from Jupiter.
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Based on our previous experiences, we noticed that many of our players do not participate in events that they are not ambitious about or do not think they can win.
In other words, if a player is not earning honor or is not playing for a ranking in an event, they prefer not to participate in that event.
In order to prevent this and to encourage all our players to participate in events, we developed a new general event reward system.
Thanks to this system, you will be able to access rewards with the points you collect in general specific categories. You can think of the rewards in stages.
For example, when your Survival kill count reaches 50, you can think of a small reward as a medium level when it reaches 100 and a big reward when it reaches 250.
You can check your reward points by clicking on the icon on the right and see how much time is left for you to receive a reward. Here are some of the reward criteria of this system:
Rewards based on total kills received in all events (except CTF):
50 Kill: 5x Magic Pop
100 Kill: %5 Lucky Booster
200 Kill: Lilith Box
500 Kill: Legendary Lilith Box
Prizes based on the number of times you are on the winning side in Team Events:
These events include Styria Clash, Bloody Battlefield, Tower Defense, Team Survival, Battle Arena, Capture The Flag.
5 Win: 5x Magic Pop
10 Win: 100 Arena Coin
25 Win: Lilith Box
50 Win: Legendary Lilith Box
According to the total number of events you have attended (Just attending is not enough, you must be active until the end of the event):
All custom and original events on our server are included in the system.
10 Participated: 50x Arena Coin
25 Participated: 10x Magic Pop
50 Participated: 1x Lilith Box
100 Participated: %5 Lucky Booster
These systems will be constantly updated in the following days of the server.
In addition to these, some events will be selected for a few days and a special tournament system and additional rewards will be added to those events!
You can get your rewards by clicking on the icon on the right. When you click, the system checks whether you have the required points and returns.
After clicking once, you need to wait 10 minutes.
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We are here with a first that you have never seen on any server! It will be difficult to kill world uniques that have their own maps, because everyone is after these uniques!
Of course, there will be alternative uniques according to the difficulty level for our players who do not want to get tired in this competitive environment.
Each character can kill a world unique once a day and those who have exhausted their rights will not be able to attack another world unique. The event is solo and the party is closed.
The reward you will earn will vary depending on the stage you choose, of course the competition will be very high in the unique with the highest reward.
World Uniques are divided into 3 different difficulties (Beginner-Intermediate-Advance). Each unique's drob is set differently.
This area is called Ancient Battlefield and you can teleport from the teleport in Jangan.
Beginner Unique: 1x Lilith Box & 3 Honor
Intermediate Unique: 1-2x Lilith Box & %1 Lilith Sacred Box & 5 Honor
Advanced Unique: 2x Lilith Box & %5 Lilith Sacred Box & 10 Honor
Apart from World Unique, this time elite mobs will be waiting for you in a special map! You have the right to kill 30 of these elite mobs per day.
After killing 30, you will automatically be teleported to the city and you will not be able to kill elite mobs again. Remember that elite mobs have very high HP and damage!
Of course, in the face of such difficulty, very high rate SOX drops and valuable special item drops await you, including many silk items!
The party is closed inside.
Elite Mob Drops:
%1 Moon Item
%1 Boosted Lucky Magic Powder(Only way to obtain)
%1 100 Silk Scroll
%1 Lilith Sacred Box
%1 Advanced Elixir Weapon B(Normal)
%1 Advanced Elixir Shield B(Normal)
%2 Advanced Elixir Acc B(Normal)
%2 Advanced Elixir Pro B(Normal)
%10 Immortal
%10 Astal
%10 Magic POP
The normal B Grade Advanced Elixir is sold at a very expensive price at the NPC, so it would be better to obtain it through alternative means instead of buying it from the NPC!
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We are here with a new system that we are sure all our players will love! We have added a system similar to the buff system that most of us are used
to from fellow pets to our game as a character buff independent of fellow pets, so even if you spend hundreds of silks and do not get any pets,
you will be able to have these unique and distinctive buffs. Of course, it will not be easy to get them, but instead of a pay2win system, you will be able to
get these unique buffs by working in the game. We are sure that this change will be much better for our players who do not want to spend money!
Let's get to the details of our buff system. First of all, it is worth noting that some of these buffs are blocked in some areas in order not to disrupt the balance.
We will share the details of these as well. You will be able to access the buffs from the (A)ction section, and you will need to be both lucky and skillful to activate them.
There are 8 different buffs you can get:
Strength Essence: [5 STR Increase](No CD)
Intelligence Essence: [5 INT Increse](No CD)
Support Essence: [500 HP/MP Increase](No CD)
Powerfull Essence: [%2 Damage Increase/Absorption](No CD)
Speed Essence: [%10 Moving Speed Increase](No CD)
God's Speed Esence: [%50 Moving Speed Increase](15 Sec. / 5 Min CD)
Berserk God Essence: [%200 Increase Chance of Obtaining Berserk Gage](45 Sec.)(15 Min CD)
God's Defence Essence: [%80 Damage Absorption(10 Sec.)](30 Min CD)
With the Sacred Lilith Box, you will be able to get one of these buffs randomly depending on your luck.
We have stated the methods of obtaining the box in the relevant areas in our introduction topic.
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There will be two types of Battle Arenas active, Random/Party. You can earn Arena Coins/Honor Points by participating in the Battle Arena.
In addition, you will need to participate in the Battle Arena for some Achievements.
Battle Arena Random: Winner: 10 Arena Coin / 3 Honor Point / 10 Gift Silk & Loser: 5 Arena Coin / 0 Honor Point
Battle Arena Party: Winner: 10 Arena Coin / 10 Honor Point / 10 Gift Silk & Loser: 5 Arena Coin / 2 Honor Point
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The STR and INT versions of all original uniques have been added to our game, and astral and immortal stones, which you will need a lot, are dropped.
These uniques spawn on average every 45 minutes. Since they have drops, we did not want to keep them shorter in order to make them valuable.
Some players like honor in small uniques, while others do not, so we have balanced the game with our new system.
Small uniques give honor, but you can only get honor from each of them once a day. The STR/INT versions of uniques are considered the same.
For example, if you killed Tiger Girl today, you will not be able to earn honor when you kill Tiger Girl on the 2nd. Thus, small uniques will be both important and will not disrupt the balance.
Also, it is very important to hunt these unique monsters for the quests in our Achievements/Quest system!
Normal Unique Drops and Points:
Tiger Girl(STR/INT): 1x8D Immortal Stone & 1x8D Astral Stone & 1 Unique Point & 2 Honor Point & 10M Gold
Uruchi(STR/INT): 1x8D Immortal Stone & 1x8D Astral Stone & 2 Unique Point & 3 Honor Point & 25M Gold
Isyutaru(STR/INT): 1x8D Immortal Stone & 1x8D Astral Stone & 3 Unique Point & 4 Honor Point & 50M Gold
Lord Yarkan(STR/INT): 2x8D Immortal Stone & 2x8D Astral Stone & 5 Unique Point & 5 Honor Point & 100M Gold
Spirit Uniques are also waiting for you scattered around the four corners of Roc Mountain! These uniques spawn every 5 hours and have valuable drops!
Spawn points: Undine(STR) top right corner, Salamander(STR) bottom right corner, Sylph(INT) top left corner, Gnome(INT) bottom left corner.
Element Unique drops are distributed equally to the party.
The following rewards are sent to the chests of each player in the party that killed them. In case of a Moon item drop, it is dropped when the unique is killed in the original way.
Element Uniques' Drop and Points:
1x Immortal to Killer's All Party Members
1x Astral to Killer's All Party Members
1x Magic POP to Killer's All Party Members
1x Lilith Box to Killer
%20 Moon Clothes
10 Unique Points
10 Honor Points
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We have adapted Medusa, one of the players' favorite uniques, to 80 Cape and added it to our server.
STR and INT medusas spawn in two different rooms when the event time comes.
You can enter the special rooms prepared for Medusa with the special teleport in the town.
In order to remove the luck factor as much as possible and to keep the competition at a high level, Medusa's stun/knock-down/fear features have been removed.
In addition, Medusa's stone throwing rate has been increased and has been rearranged in a way that will challenge you!
Fair, competitive Medusa fun awaits you in Lilith Online! Medusa drops are distributed equally to the party.
The following rewards are sent to the chests of each player in the party that killed them. In case of a Moon item drop, it drops when the unique is killed in the original way.
Medusa Drops and Points:
1x 100 Silk to Killer's All Party Members
1x Lilith Box to Killer's All Party Members
2x Legendary Lilith Box as original drop
%25 Moon Weapon/Shield
30 Unique Point
20 Honor Point to killer
10 Honor Point to Killer's All Party Members
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For solo unique, you can teleport to Solo Room with a special teleport in the city.
You will be completely alone here and it will be determined fairly who is better!
When the event starts, the first STR unique spawns, after it is killed, the INT unique spawns.
Zerk is allowed in Solo Room. The rewards are sent to the chest of the character who killed it.
Solo Unique Drops and Point:
4x Magic POP
2x 8D Immortal Stone
2x 8D Astral Stone
1x Lilith Box
15 Unique Point
10 Honor Point to killer
DPS Rank 2: 5 Honor Point
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Of course, Job Cave, which is indispensable for the server, will be very valuable in our game and will host fierce job wars!
You can teleport to Job Cave with the special teleport located in Jangan Grassland, thieves and traders spawn at different points.
You can follow the event hours from the Event Schedule and when the time comes, STR unique will spawn first, and when it is killed, INT unique will spawn.
Selket and Anubis are arranged as STR, Neith and Isis are INT. Job Cave Unique drops are distributed equally to the party.
The following rewards are sent to the chests of each player in the killing party. In case of Moon ACC drop, it drops when the unique is killed in the original way.
Job Cave Uniques Drops and Points:
1x 100 Silk to Killer's All Party Members
1x Immortal to Killer's All Party Members
1x Astral to Killer's All Party Members
1x Magic POP to Killer's All Party Members
1x Lilith Box to Killer's All Party Members
1x Legendary Lilith Box as original drop
%20 Moon ACC
15 Unique Point
10 Honor Point to killer
5 Honor Point to Killer's All Party Members
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We know that Medusa is an indispensable part of this game and is by far the most popular unique!
That's exactly why we have developed a new Medusa Race Event based entirely on Medusa.
This event will be completely solo and will be held in a completely equal manner.
As for equality, Medusa will not stun, fear, knock-down and zerk-devil-ignore has been disabled in this event.
Let's come to the operation of the event, you can find the details below:
The event takes place in separate STR Medusa and INT Medusa rooms for STR and INT characters.
An announcement is made 10 minutes before the start, all you have to do to participate is enter the Medusa Room and wait for the first event hour.
The event duration is 18 minutes and a maximum of 5 Medusas will spawn in total as they are killed.
The event ends when the 5th Medusa is killed or when 18 minutes are up.
The characters in the top 8 DPS Ranks earn points for each Medusa killed. The score table is as follows:
DPS 1: 10 Points & 5 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 2: 8 Points & 4 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 3: 6 Points & 3 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 4: 5 Points & 2 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 5: 4 Points & 1 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 6: 3 Points & 1 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 7: 2 Points & 1 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 8: 1 Points & 1 Honor Points & 100M Gold
When the event ends, the 5 characters with the most points in total will be rewarded.
Rank 1: 30 Honor & 1B Gold & 4x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 20 Honor & 500M Gold & 2x Lilith Box
Rank 3: 10 Honor & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 4: 5 Honor & 100M Gold
Rank 5: 5 Honor & 50M Gold
The event occurs as STR and INT at the same time.
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Solo Survival Arena:
After the 10 minutes left notice, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
The event is 15 minutes long. Zerk is active in the event area. You will earn 2 Honor Points, 2 Gift Silks and 1 Arena Coin for each kill you get.
You will not lose honor points when you die. You can get a maximum of 3 kills from 1 person, the following will not be counted against the kill counter and will not give a reward.
At the end of the event, the first 5 people in the rank will be rewarded. If you get a DC during the event, you will still enter the game in the event area.
When you die, the buffs on you and your honor buffs, if any, will not be deleted.
In addition, 1 random player from the players participating in the event will be rewarded (you must have at least 10 kills).
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 20x Arena Coin & 1x Legendary Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 20x Arena Coin & 2x Lilith Box
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 20x Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 4: 100M Gold & 20x Arena Coin
Rank 5: 50M Gold & 20 Arena Coin
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Kill: 2 Honor Points & 2 Gift Silk & 1 Arena Coin & 10M Gold
Team Survival Arena:
After the 10 minutes left notice has passed, registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
All participants are divided into 4 different teams. The event duration is 7 minutes. For each kill you get, 1 point is written to your team on the counter.
The team with the most kills wins the event. The other 3 teams lose.
Winner Team Reward: 5 Honor Point & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
Loser Team Reward: 2 Honor Point
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 2 Gift Silk & 1 Arena Coin & 10M Gold
Party Survival:
After the 10 minutes left notice, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
Only party masters can register for the event and the party options must be EXP/ITEM Free For All.
If you try to register with the wrong party settings, the system will not allow it and you will need to restart to register again.
If the party master leaves the party, the registration will be broken and the new party master must register again. The party can be a maximum of 4 people.
All participating parties are drawn to the event area and pvp. The event duration is 15 minutes.
In addition, 1 random player from the event will be rewarded.
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 2x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 1 Arena Coin & 2 Gift Silk & 10M Gold
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After the 10 minutes left notice has passed, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
All participants are divided into 2 different teams. The event duration is 15 minutes. There will be 3 tower spawns for each team.
Your goal during the event is to drop the heart that will spawn after knocking down the opposing team's towers.
Power Boxes that give buffs to the person who cuts will spawn at intervals. The one who deals the most damage to each tower that is cut will be rewarded with 30 Gift Silk & 500M Gold.
If a team's heart falls, the team that cut the heart wins the event and the player who deals the most damage to the heart will be rewarded with 50 Gift Silk & 1B Gold.
Winner Team: 10 Honor Point & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
Loser Team: 2 Honor Point
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 4: 100M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 5: 50M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 1 Arena Coin & 2 Gift Silk & 10M Gold
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After the 10 minutes left notice, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
It is a party event and you can participate with a 4-person EXP/ITEM Auto Share party. Only the party master can register.
If the number of party members is more than 4, only 4 characters will be drawn to the event area. The event duration is 15 minutes.
When the event starts, Wave 1 starts first and Elite Mobs spawn. These mobs have high elixir, sox and special drop chances.
Unique spawns after each Elite Mob wave is cleared. The next Wave starts after the Unique is killed.
STR and INT characters deal close damage to Elite Mobs and Uniques in the event.
The event consists of 3 Elite Mob waves and 3 Unique spawns. The event ends when the last spawn, the unique, is killed.
You earn 5 points as a party for each elite mob you kill and 20 points per unique.
The aim of the event is to kill as many mobs/uniques as possible, benefit from high drops, and enter the rank and win rank rewards.
In addition, 1 random player from the event participants will be rewarded.
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Unique Kill: 5 Honor Point & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
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After the 10 minutes left notice, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
The event is solo and lasts 15 minutes. During the event, all characters are in pvp mode and everyone can attack each other.
When the event starts, the first Unique spawns in the middle of the map. After each unique is killed, 4 Treasure Boxes and a new Pharaoh Unique spawn.
STR and INT characters deal damage to boxes and Pharaoh Uniques close to each other.
You are rewarded for each char/box/unique you kill. The event ends when the 4th Pharaoh Unique is killed or 15 minutes are completed.
In addition, 1 random player from the players participating in the event is also rewarded.
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 2x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 4: 100M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 5: 50M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 1 Arena & 2 Gift Silk & 10M Gold
Per Unique Kill: 5 Honor Points & 30 Gift Silk & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Box Kill: 250M Gold
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After the 10 minutes left notice has passed, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
Only party masters can register for the event and if the party master leaves the party, the registration will be broken, the new party master must register again.
All participating parties are drawn to the event area and the process after that is exactly the same as the original Battle Arena.
The scoring system is also the same as the original and the biggest difference of this event is that all parties registered for the event fight together in the same map.
The party with the highest score wins the event. One random player from the players participating in the event is also rewarded.
Winner Party: 2x Lilith Box to Party Members
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 1 Arena Coin & 2 Gift Silk
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Although it is an event similar to the Styria events you see on other servers, there are a few changes that will add color to it, you will like it more!
After the 10 minutes left notice passes, the registrations open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
All participants are divided into 2 different teams. The event duration is 10 minutes. Styria Boxes will spawn at certain intervals throughout the event.
The character who kills the Styria Box both gains a special buff and earns 10 points for his team. Your team gains 1 point for every kill you get during the event.
After a certain time has passed after the event starts, 2 special event mobs will spawn. This mob has quite a lot of damage, but it will definitely be worth the kill.
The character who kills the Special Event mob will directly go into zerk mode and the zerk will not end until he dies. Try to stop him without getting too many kills!
The team that earns the most points at the end of 10 minutes wins the event.
Winner Team: 10 Honor Points & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
Loser Team: 2 Honor Points
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 1 Arena Coin & 2 Gift Silk & 10M Gold
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All participants are drawn to a special map and divided into 2 separate teams.
Your main goal while pvp with your opponents during the event will be to destroy the opposing team's tower.
The event duration is 15 minutes and if no tower is destroyed during this time, there is no winner.
The first team to destroy the opponent's tower wins the event.
Winner Team Reward: 10 Honor Point & 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Loser Team Reward: 2 Honor Point & 1 Arena Coin
Per Kill: 10M Gold & 2 Gift Silk & 1 Arena Coin
View attachment 1215
After the 10 minutes left notice, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
Only party masters can register for the event and the party options must be EXP/ITEM Free For All.
If the party master leaves the party, the registration will be broken and the new party master must register again.
All participating parties will be drawn to the event area and they will pvp.
Dead characters will be teleported directly to the city. One random player from the players participating in the event will be rewarded.
The event will end when there is only one party left in the event area or when 20 minutes are up.
Winner Party: 2x Lilith Box
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Kill: 10M Gold & 1 Arena & 2 Gift Silk
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Hello everyone from Lilith Online. We are coming to give you the ingame-free, completely fair 80 Cap excitement you missed!
Our players who played our previous project know that we provided our players with a completely problem-free, uninterrupted gaming experience technically.
In our new server, Lilith Online Season III, we offer you a completely solo-focused and fair game with no agreements!
Everything in our game is designed for you, the players, to enjoy more and play a full game in a fair way.
As the Lilith Online team, we promise to offer you a fair, stable, fun-filled, problem-free game on our server. Have fun to all our players!
Admin Team:
Owner & Developer: [Aquarius]
The only authorized person in our game and also all developments of our game belong to Aquarius.
As you will see in the rest of the introduction, our server has special and new events and systems that you have not seen in any other server.
Asistan: [Xaralka]
Our teammate who will support you in every way throughout the Lilith Online adventure is Xaralka.
In addition, he plays a major role in the development process of the game and the preparation of the designs.
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We guess that most of us can no longer spend as much time playing games as we used to, and all of our time is now much more valuable.
Based on this idea, we will offer you a gaming experience that requires a certain amount of activity and at the same time, you can get something by botting.
In this way, both our players who do not have time and work will not be left behind and our active players will be able to get everything.
We think that 10x EXP rates are a must for the 80 Cap experience you miss, so the EXP rate has been set to 10x.
Of course, in order not to bore you, 1,000,000 SP will be given at the beginning, we will not push you too hard in terms of SP, you can easily open the skill you want.
In addition, you will be able to earn plenty of EXP with quests, and Quests/Events are waiting for you to support you a lot during your grinding process.
Start Level: 1 Lv.
Max Level: 80 Lv.
Race: Only CHN
Mastery: 300
EXP Rate: 10x
Sox System: 8D Moon&Sun(Drop)(Sun will be activated in next weeks.)
Silk System
Quest System
NEW! Daily Systems
PC Limit: 2
IP Limit: 4
Job Limit: 1
Event Limit: 1
Plus Limit: 13(ADV+2)(Can be increased in next weeks)
Devil Plus Limit: +5
Guild Limit: 16
Union Limit: Union Disabled
Honor System: Event & Unique Based
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Since the rates on our server will already be difficult, we will not bother you about your pot, reverse, pet needs at the beginning.
Since SUN items between 5-7D will be purchased with Gold Coins and SOS+5 FB items are available at the NPC, auto equipment is not active.
You can get your SUN FB set by doing the tasks or you can get your SOS+5 FB sets directly from the NPC without doing the tasks.
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Here is what we have ready for you as you begin your adventure:
50.000 HP/MP Potion
10.000 Universal Pill
3 Day Grab Pet
50x Instant Return Scroll
50x Reverse Return Scroll
1x 3 Day %100 Speed
5x Buffalo(Trans Pet)
5x Pegasus(Ride Pet)
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The first 100 people to reach Level 80 in our game will be rewarded.
The reward is as follows:
Rank 1-8: 1000 Silk + TryHard Title + Discord TryHard Role
Rank 9-16: 500 Silk
Rank 17-50: 250 Silk
Rank 51-100: 100 Silk
Ek olarak 80. Seviyeye ulaşan herkese sistem otomatik 100M gold verir.
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1-7D SUN weapons have been added to magic pop and their rates are quite easy. In addition, you will be able to get SUN sets and acc parts between 5D-7D from the NPC in Jangan.
You will be able to get these SUN items with the coins you get from the quests we added to our game. Everyone who completes the quests will be able to get SUN sets easily.
In addition, the alchemy rate between 1-7D has been made much easier. Thus, you will not have any difficulty in the slots during the grinding process.
8D MOON items will be active from the first day and SUN items will be active in the following days. You can get all 8D Moon items from the slots through drops and
with boxes you can get in the event/quest/dungeon areas. Since our server will be long-lasting, the rates have been set with difficulty.
8D Final Item: Mob Drop
8D Moon Item: Active at opening! +2 stronger than final items. Can be obtained from slots and boxes.
8D Sun Item: It will be active in the coming days and has a strength of MOON+2.
There are Niya Hunters in Roc Mountain. In addition, 2 Job Slots have been added.
Characters with Premium can enter these slots. 2 Job Slots are similar to each other and are separated according to their level ranges.
Mobs in these slots have 1.5x EXP/DROP rate. Some of the stones in our game will be obtained as drops and some have been added to the stone shop.
In this way, we will both preserve the value of gold and you will be able to grind stones by botting as in the original system.
In addition, stones obtained from drops can also be obtained through quests.
LUCK/STEADY stones are obtained through drops. Similarly, elixir drops have been added to quests and dungeons.
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8D Items Alchemy Rate:
+1 = %100
+2 = %90 (%100 with LMP)
+3 = %80 (%100 with LMP)
+4 = %40 (%100 with LMP)
+5 = %25 (%100 with LMP)
+6 = %15 (%50 with LMP)
+7 = %10 (%25 with LMP)
+8 = %1 (%5 with LMP)
+9 = %1 (%2 with LMP)
+10 = %1 (%2 with LMP)
Lucky Magic Powder and Alchemy Booster (2%), which you can buy with gold from Special NPC, also increase your chances.
In order not to discourage our players and not to increase the gap between players who donate a lot and players who do not donate, the rate is set relatively easy up to +7 and very difficult after +7, so that we can configure a nice character that you can enjoy without donating to our server and we will maintain the balance of power. These rates are much higher for 1-7D, and it passes 100% with powder up to +6.
Devil Alchemy Rate:
+1 = %75(without powder) & %100(with powder)
+2 = %25(without powder) & %50(with powder)
+3 = %10(without powder) & %25(with powder)
+4 = %10(without powder) & %25(with powder)
+5 = %10(without powder) & %25(with powder)
We recommend that you use Lucky Powder when trying to plus your Devil. You can buy 1st Degree Lucky Powders that you can use for Devil from Special NPC for gold.
Fast alchemy is set in Donwhang town. You can quickly plus, blue, stat with bot.
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Don't you want to be rewarded for what you have accomplished in the game? The game will reward you for what you have accomplished in many areas.
There are currently 10 missions and these missions will be increased in the coming days.
At the same time, you will earn both rewards and have unique titles with each mission you complete.
Sample Achievements:
Hunt 10 Tiger Girl(STR/INT) and 10 Uruchi(STR/INT)
REWARD: 5x Magic POP
TITLE: Unique Hunter
Be in Solo Unique DPS first 3 for 5 times
REWARD: 10x Magic POP
TITLE: Sereness Slayer
Kill 100 players in Job Mode
REWARD: 10x Magic POP
TITLE: Job Master
Win Battle Arena 20 Times
REWARD: 100x Arena Coin
TITLE: Warlord
Be in Medusa DPS first 5 for 3 times
REWARD: 10x Magic POP
TITLE: Medusa Slayer
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We have integrated your Magic POP system into our game in a way that will not disrupt the balance in any way.
All items in Magic POP have been removed and only S Devil, GDF, 5% Alchemy Booster and 1-7D weapons have been added.
In order to help you stretch, 1-7DG SUN weapons have been added to magic pop and the chance of winning is 20%, meaning you will win the item in an average of 5 pops.
The rates of S Devil and GDF have been set to difficult in order not to decrease their value, but you can get Magic POP cards from F10,
as well as from many events in our game, uniques and gift shops.
The 5% Alchemy Booster drop rate is medium difficulty and is definitely an item you will need in Alchemy!
In addition to GDF in Magic POP, GDF with lower features has been added to Special NPC.
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Due to the system in our game, you will need a lot of gold, both lucky magic powder and dungeon stones and more.
As the Lilith Online team, we have determined the caravan route as Jangan-Hotan only in order to increase competition and job wars in job.
We know that this route will be long for our valuable players, so you can teleport directly from Jangan Ferry to Hotan Ferry and from Hotan Ferry directly to Jangan Ferry.
In addition, the speed of the caravan pets has been set to 6.
In order to prevent gold accumulation on our server and not to lock our players in the caravan, a daily limit has been set for the caravan.
Regardless of how much you fill your pet, you can caravan 15 rounds per day, after which the system will not allow you to buy goods.
In addition, the hunters in your party do not cut the gold of the traders. In addition, you will earn a reward from the special caravan reward system every time you sell FULL goods.
You can find the details of the special caravan reward system in the continuation of the introduction.
Caravan Profit Rate:
Jangan -> Hotan: 250M KAR
Hotan -> Jangan: 250M KAR
Thief Karı: 50M KAR
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With our specially designed new system, you will earn a reward with a 50% chance for every full item you steal or sell.
The rewards you earn will come to your character chest. You can earn a maximum of 3 rewards per day.
The items in the reward pool will definitely be worth your time!
%1 Moon Acc
%1 Lilith Sacred Box
%8 Lilith Box
%20 Magic POP
%20 5x Arena Coin
%50 No-Reward
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There are 3 types of boxes on our server, the Lilith Box is easier to obtain, but it contains very valuable items.
The Legendary Lilith Box is harder to obtain, but it can contain many valuable items, including the MOON Item.
The Sacred Lilith Box will also be relatively difficult to obtain, but it is definitely worth it for the character buffs inside.
You can find the contents of the boxes below. When any moon/essence is obtained from the boxes, it is announced to the whole server with a notice.
[Lilith Box]
%10 Moon Item
%10 ADV B Weapon(Normal)(Available on shop with VERY HIGH price)
%10 Alchemy Booster(%5)
%10 Damage Increase Scroll
%10 Damage Absorption Scroll
%25 Magic Pop
%25 Arena Coin
[Legendary Lilith Box]
%30 10x Arena Coin
%45 Moon Clothes
%20 Moon Accessory
%5 Moon Weapon/Shield
[Sacred Lilith Box]
%20 Strength Essence
%20 Intelligence Essence
%20 Support Essence
%20 Speed Essence
%5 Powerfull Essence
%5 God's Speed Essence
%5 Berserk God Essence
%5 God's Defence Essence
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We know that some players want to have fun without spending money while playing the game and get items like premium, devil, reverse.
For this reason, we added the Gift Silk system to our game, so you can have many items without donating to the game by participating in events and playing an active game.
Some of the items you can get with Gift Silk are: Premium, Devil, Sabakun, Reverse, Global, Attack/Def Sc, Devil Stone and more.
These items are not tradeable. You can earn Gift Silk from events and uniques in the game.
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You can earn honor by participating in events on our server and killing uniques. In order not to drop our players who are behind in honor or who are new to our game,
honor rank will be reset twice a week, on Wednesdays and Sundays. You can find the honor points they earn in the details of the events in our game and in the details of the uniques.
We do not want to reward the top 50 in Honor Rank and leave many of our players behind. Therefore, the top 100 will receive honor buffs and the buff distribution is as follows:
1-10: King Buff
11-30: Gold Buff
31-60: Silver Buff
61-100: Bronze Buff
In order to prevent honor buffs from disrupting the balance, some changes have been made and updated as follows:
King Buff: %5 Parry Rate Increase / %5 Moving Speed Increase
Gold Buff: %3 Phy/Mag Attack Increase / %3 Phy/Mag Absorption
Silver Buff: %10 Moving Speed Increase
Bronze Buff: %5 Attack Rate Increase
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Many quests have been added to our game for your EXP needs and additional rewards while leveling up. While you can get the original quests while grinding, in addition to these,
the following quests have also been added. All of the cutting quests count towards the members of the party at the same time, so you can complete the quests quickly with the party.
New quests will be added in the following days of the server. You can buy 5-7D SUN items from the NPC in Jangan with the Gold Coins you earn from the quests.
Hunting Jangan Monster: 15x Gold Coin/EXP/GOLD/Magic POP | Available once!
Hunting Donwhang Monster: 15x Gold Coin/EXP/GOLD/Magic POP | Available once!
Hunting Hotan(Grass) Monster: 15xGold Coin/EXP/GOLD/Magic POP | Available once!
Hunting Karakoram Monster: 15x Gold Coin/EXP/GOLD/Magic POP | Available once!
Hunting Taklamakan Monster: 15x Gold Coin/EXP/GOLD/Magic POP | Available once!
Beginner Job Arena Hunt: 15x Gold Coin/EXP/Magic POP | Available once!
Advanced Job Arena Hunt: EXP/Magic POP | Available once!
Hunting Tiger Girl: GOLD/Magic POP/Elixir | Daily Quest!
Hunting Uruchi: GOLD/Magic POP/Elixir | Daily Quest!
Hunting Isyutaru: GOLD/Magic POP/Elixir | Daily Quest!
Hunting Lord Yarkan: GOLD/Magic POP/Elixir | Daily Quest!
Jupiter Dungeon Quest: GOLD/Magic POP/Elixir/Stone/Lilith Box | Daily Quest!
Hunting 30.000 Niya Hunter/Cruel Tiger: 1x Lilith Box / 5x Magic POP | Daily Quest!
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It is one of the most valuable and difficult dungeons in our game. You can enter between Lv. 61-80, but the mobs inside will make it very difficult for you.
It is a dungeon that can be entered with a party, and we recommend that you enter with your friends. Before entering, do not forget to get the Jupiter Dungeon Quest from Jangan Quest Manager. With this quest, you will be able to have many elixirs, stones, magic pops, SP and Lilith boxes. In addition, depending on your luck, you can get the Legendary Lilith Box from the last unique Jupiter you will kill. The Legendary Lilith Box will be very rare on our server and will be very valuable. Jupiter Dungeon will be very important for you to level both the Lilith Box and the Legendary Lilith Box. When you enter, the indicators on the map and the passing notices will inform you. You can enter the Jupiter dungeon once a day, and we recommend that you do not miss any day.
Remember, the monsters inside will make it difficult for you!
Additionally, there is a 2% chance of Lilith Sacred Box dropping from the uniques you kill in the dungeon, Yuno and Babilion, and a 10% chance of Sacred Lilith Box dropping from Jupiter.
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Based on our previous experiences, we noticed that many of our players do not participate in events that they are not ambitious about or do not think they can win.
In other words, if a player is not earning honor or is not playing for a ranking in an event, they prefer not to participate in that event.
In order to prevent this and to encourage all our players to participate in events, we developed a new general event reward system.
Thanks to this system, you will be able to access rewards with the points you collect in general specific categories. You can think of the rewards in stages.
For example, when your Survival kill count reaches 50, you can think of a small reward as a medium level when it reaches 100 and a big reward when it reaches 250.
You can check your reward points by clicking on the icon on the right and see how much time is left for you to receive a reward. Here are some of the reward criteria of this system:
Rewards based on total kills received in all events (except CTF):
50 Kill: 5x Magic Pop
100 Kill: %5 Lucky Booster
200 Kill: Lilith Box
500 Kill: Legendary Lilith Box
Prizes based on the number of times you are on the winning side in Team Events:
These events include Styria Clash, Bloody Battlefield, Tower Defense, Team Survival, Battle Arena, Capture The Flag.
5 Win: 5x Magic Pop
10 Win: 100 Arena Coin
25 Win: Lilith Box
50 Win: Legendary Lilith Box
According to the total number of events you have attended (Just attending is not enough, you must be active until the end of the event):
All custom and original events on our server are included in the system.
10 Participated: 50x Arena Coin
25 Participated: 10x Magic Pop
50 Participated: 1x Lilith Box
100 Participated: %5 Lucky Booster
These systems will be constantly updated in the following days of the server.
In addition to these, some events will be selected for a few days and a special tournament system and additional rewards will be added to those events!
You can get your rewards by clicking on the icon on the right. When you click, the system checks whether you have the required points and returns.
After clicking once, you need to wait 10 minutes.
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We are here with a first that you have never seen on any server! It will be difficult to kill world uniques that have their own maps, because everyone is after these uniques!
Of course, there will be alternative uniques according to the difficulty level for our players who do not want to get tired in this competitive environment.
Each character can kill a world unique once a day and those who have exhausted their rights will not be able to attack another world unique. The event is solo and the party is closed.
The reward you will earn will vary depending on the stage you choose, of course the competition will be very high in the unique with the highest reward.
World Uniques are divided into 3 different difficulties (Beginner-Intermediate-Advance). Each unique's drob is set differently.
This area is called Ancient Battlefield and you can teleport from the teleport in Jangan.
Beginner Unique: 1x Lilith Box & 3 Honor
Intermediate Unique: 1-2x Lilith Box & %1 Lilith Sacred Box & 5 Honor
Advanced Unique: 2x Lilith Box & %5 Lilith Sacred Box & 10 Honor
Apart from World Unique, this time elite mobs will be waiting for you in a special map! You have the right to kill 30 of these elite mobs per day.
After killing 30, you will automatically be teleported to the city and you will not be able to kill elite mobs again. Remember that elite mobs have very high HP and damage!
Of course, in the face of such difficulty, very high rate SOX drops and valuable special item drops await you, including many silk items!
The party is closed inside.
Elite Mob Drops:
%1 Moon Item
%1 Boosted Lucky Magic Powder(Only way to obtain)
%1 100 Silk Scroll
%1 Lilith Sacred Box
%1 Advanced Elixir Weapon B(Normal)
%1 Advanced Elixir Shield B(Normal)
%2 Advanced Elixir Acc B(Normal)
%2 Advanced Elixir Pro B(Normal)
%10 Immortal
%10 Astal
%10 Magic POP
The normal B Grade Advanced Elixir is sold at a very expensive price at the NPC, so it would be better to obtain it through alternative means instead of buying it from the NPC!
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We are here with a new system that we are sure all our players will love! We have added a system similar to the buff system that most of us are used
to from fellow pets to our game as a character buff independent of fellow pets, so even if you spend hundreds of silks and do not get any pets,
you will be able to have these unique and distinctive buffs. Of course, it will not be easy to get them, but instead of a pay2win system, you will be able to
get these unique buffs by working in the game. We are sure that this change will be much better for our players who do not want to spend money!
Let's get to the details of our buff system. First of all, it is worth noting that some of these buffs are blocked in some areas in order not to disrupt the balance.
We will share the details of these as well. You will be able to access the buffs from the (A)ction section, and you will need to be both lucky and skillful to activate them.
There are 8 different buffs you can get:
Strength Essence: [5 STR Increase](No CD)
Intelligence Essence: [5 INT Increse](No CD)
Support Essence: [500 HP/MP Increase](No CD)
Powerfull Essence: [%2 Damage Increase/Absorption](No CD)
Speed Essence: [%10 Moving Speed Increase](No CD)
God's Speed Esence: [%50 Moving Speed Increase](15 Sec. / 5 Min CD)
Berserk God Essence: [%200 Increase Chance of Obtaining Berserk Gage](45 Sec.)(15 Min CD)
God's Defence Essence: [%80 Damage Absorption(10 Sec.)](30 Min CD)
With the Sacred Lilith Box, you will be able to get one of these buffs randomly depending on your luck.
We have stated the methods of obtaining the box in the relevant areas in our introduction topic.
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There will be two types of Battle Arenas active, Random/Party. You can earn Arena Coins/Honor Points by participating in the Battle Arena.
In addition, you will need to participate in the Battle Arena for some Achievements.
Battle Arena Random: Winner: 10 Arena Coin / 3 Honor Point / 10 Gift Silk & Loser: 5 Arena Coin / 0 Honor Point
Battle Arena Party: Winner: 10 Arena Coin / 10 Honor Point / 10 Gift Silk & Loser: 5 Arena Coin / 2 Honor Point
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The STR and INT versions of all original uniques have been added to our game, and astral and immortal stones, which you will need a lot, are dropped.
These uniques spawn on average every 45 minutes. Since they have drops, we did not want to keep them shorter in order to make them valuable.
Some players like honor in small uniques, while others do not, so we have balanced the game with our new system.
Small uniques give honor, but you can only get honor from each of them once a day. The STR/INT versions of uniques are considered the same.
For example, if you killed Tiger Girl today, you will not be able to earn honor when you kill Tiger Girl on the 2nd. Thus, small uniques will be both important and will not disrupt the balance.
Also, it is very important to hunt these unique monsters for the quests in our Achievements/Quest system!
Normal Unique Drops and Points:
Tiger Girl(STR/INT): 1x8D Immortal Stone & 1x8D Astral Stone & 1 Unique Point & 2 Honor Point & 10M Gold
Uruchi(STR/INT): 1x8D Immortal Stone & 1x8D Astral Stone & 2 Unique Point & 3 Honor Point & 25M Gold
Isyutaru(STR/INT): 1x8D Immortal Stone & 1x8D Astral Stone & 3 Unique Point & 4 Honor Point & 50M Gold
Lord Yarkan(STR/INT): 2x8D Immortal Stone & 2x8D Astral Stone & 5 Unique Point & 5 Honor Point & 100M Gold
Spirit Uniques are also waiting for you scattered around the four corners of Roc Mountain! These uniques spawn every 5 hours and have valuable drops!
Spawn points: Undine(STR) top right corner, Salamander(STR) bottom right corner, Sylph(INT) top left corner, Gnome(INT) bottom left corner.
Element Unique drops are distributed equally to the party.
The following rewards are sent to the chests of each player in the party that killed them. In case of a Moon item drop, it is dropped when the unique is killed in the original way.
Element Uniques' Drop and Points:
1x Immortal to Killer's All Party Members
1x Astral to Killer's All Party Members
1x Magic POP to Killer's All Party Members
1x Lilith Box to Killer
%20 Moon Clothes
10 Unique Points
10 Honor Points
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We have adapted Medusa, one of the players' favorite uniques, to 80 Cape and added it to our server.
STR and INT medusas spawn in two different rooms when the event time comes.
You can enter the special rooms prepared for Medusa with the special teleport in the town.
In order to remove the luck factor as much as possible and to keep the competition at a high level, Medusa's stun/knock-down/fear features have been removed.
In addition, Medusa's stone throwing rate has been increased and has been rearranged in a way that will challenge you!
Fair, competitive Medusa fun awaits you in Lilith Online! Medusa drops are distributed equally to the party.
The following rewards are sent to the chests of each player in the party that killed them. In case of a Moon item drop, it drops when the unique is killed in the original way.
Medusa Drops and Points:
1x 100 Silk to Killer's All Party Members
1x Lilith Box to Killer's All Party Members
2x Legendary Lilith Box as original drop
%25 Moon Weapon/Shield
30 Unique Point
20 Honor Point to killer
10 Honor Point to Killer's All Party Members
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For solo unique, you can teleport to Solo Room with a special teleport in the city.
You will be completely alone here and it will be determined fairly who is better!
When the event starts, the first STR unique spawns, after it is killed, the INT unique spawns.
Zerk is allowed in Solo Room. The rewards are sent to the chest of the character who killed it.
Solo Unique Drops and Point:
4x Magic POP
2x 8D Immortal Stone
2x 8D Astral Stone
1x Lilith Box
15 Unique Point
10 Honor Point to killer
DPS Rank 2: 5 Honor Point
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Of course, Job Cave, which is indispensable for the server, will be very valuable in our game and will host fierce job wars!
You can teleport to Job Cave with the special teleport located in Jangan Grassland, thieves and traders spawn at different points.
You can follow the event hours from the Event Schedule and when the time comes, STR unique will spawn first, and when it is killed, INT unique will spawn.
Selket and Anubis are arranged as STR, Neith and Isis are INT. Job Cave Unique drops are distributed equally to the party.
The following rewards are sent to the chests of each player in the killing party. In case of Moon ACC drop, it drops when the unique is killed in the original way.
Job Cave Uniques Drops and Points:
1x 100 Silk to Killer's All Party Members
1x Immortal to Killer's All Party Members
1x Astral to Killer's All Party Members
1x Magic POP to Killer's All Party Members
1x Lilith Box to Killer's All Party Members
1x Legendary Lilith Box as original drop
%20 Moon ACC
15 Unique Point
10 Honor Point to killer
5 Honor Point to Killer's All Party Members
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We know that Medusa is an indispensable part of this game and is by far the most popular unique!
That's exactly why we have developed a new Medusa Race Event based entirely on Medusa.
This event will be completely solo and will be held in a completely equal manner.
As for equality, Medusa will not stun, fear, knock-down and zerk-devil-ignore has been disabled in this event.
Let's come to the operation of the event, you can find the details below:
The event takes place in separate STR Medusa and INT Medusa rooms for STR and INT characters.
An announcement is made 10 minutes before the start, all you have to do to participate is enter the Medusa Room and wait for the first event hour.
The event duration is 18 minutes and a maximum of 5 Medusas will spawn in total as they are killed.
The event ends when the 5th Medusa is killed or when 18 minutes are up.
The characters in the top 8 DPS Ranks earn points for each Medusa killed. The score table is as follows:
DPS 1: 10 Points & 5 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 2: 8 Points & 4 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 3: 6 Points & 3 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 4: 5 Points & 2 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 5: 4 Points & 1 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 6: 3 Points & 1 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 7: 2 Points & 1 Honor Points & 100M Gold
DPS 8: 1 Points & 1 Honor Points & 100M Gold
When the event ends, the 5 characters with the most points in total will be rewarded.
Rank 1: 30 Honor & 1B Gold & 4x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 20 Honor & 500M Gold & 2x Lilith Box
Rank 3: 10 Honor & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 4: 5 Honor & 100M Gold
Rank 5: 5 Honor & 50M Gold
The event occurs as STR and INT at the same time.
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Solo Survival Arena:
After the 10 minutes left notice, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
The event is 15 minutes long. Zerk is active in the event area. You will earn 2 Honor Points, 2 Gift Silks and 1 Arena Coin for each kill you get.
You will not lose honor points when you die. You can get a maximum of 3 kills from 1 person, the following will not be counted against the kill counter and will not give a reward.
At the end of the event, the first 5 people in the rank will be rewarded. If you get a DC during the event, you will still enter the game in the event area.
When you die, the buffs on you and your honor buffs, if any, will not be deleted.
In addition, 1 random player from the players participating in the event will be rewarded (you must have at least 10 kills).
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 20x Arena Coin & 1x Legendary Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 20x Arena Coin & 2x Lilith Box
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 20x Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 4: 100M Gold & 20x Arena Coin
Rank 5: 50M Gold & 20 Arena Coin
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Kill: 2 Honor Points & 2 Gift Silk & 1 Arena Coin & 10M Gold
Team Survival Arena:
After the 10 minutes left notice has passed, registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
All participants are divided into 4 different teams. The event duration is 7 minutes. For each kill you get, 1 point is written to your team on the counter.
The team with the most kills wins the event. The other 3 teams lose.
Winner Team Reward: 5 Honor Point & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
Loser Team Reward: 2 Honor Point
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 2 Gift Silk & 1 Arena Coin & 10M Gold
Party Survival:
After the 10 minutes left notice, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
Only party masters can register for the event and the party options must be EXP/ITEM Free For All.
If you try to register with the wrong party settings, the system will not allow it and you will need to restart to register again.
If the party master leaves the party, the registration will be broken and the new party master must register again. The party can be a maximum of 4 people.
All participating parties are drawn to the event area and pvp. The event duration is 15 minutes.
In addition, 1 random player from the event will be rewarded.
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 2x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 1 Arena Coin & 2 Gift Silk & 10M Gold
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After the 10 minutes left notice has passed, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
All participants are divided into 2 different teams. The event duration is 15 minutes. There will be 3 tower spawns for each team.
Your goal during the event is to drop the heart that will spawn after knocking down the opposing team's towers.
Power Boxes that give buffs to the person who cuts will spawn at intervals. The one who deals the most damage to each tower that is cut will be rewarded with 30 Gift Silk & 500M Gold.
If a team's heart falls, the team that cut the heart wins the event and the player who deals the most damage to the heart will be rewarded with 50 Gift Silk & 1B Gold.
Winner Team: 10 Honor Point & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
Loser Team: 2 Honor Point
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 4: 100M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 5: 50M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 1 Arena Coin & 2 Gift Silk & 10M Gold
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After the 10 minutes left notice, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
It is a party event and you can participate with a 4-person EXP/ITEM Auto Share party. Only the party master can register.
If the number of party members is more than 4, only 4 characters will be drawn to the event area. The event duration is 15 minutes.
When the event starts, Wave 1 starts first and Elite Mobs spawn. These mobs have high elixir, sox and special drop chances.
Unique spawns after each Elite Mob wave is cleared. The next Wave starts after the Unique is killed.
STR and INT characters deal close damage to Elite Mobs and Uniques in the event.
The event consists of 3 Elite Mob waves and 3 Unique spawns. The event ends when the last spawn, the unique, is killed.
You earn 5 points as a party for each elite mob you kill and 20 points per unique.
The aim of the event is to kill as many mobs/uniques as possible, benefit from high drops, and enter the rank and win rank rewards.
In addition, 1 random player from the event participants will be rewarded.
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Unique Kill: 5 Honor Point & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
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After the 10 minutes left notice, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
The event is solo and lasts 15 minutes. During the event, all characters are in pvp mode and everyone can attack each other.
When the event starts, the first Unique spawns in the middle of the map. After each unique is killed, 4 Treasure Boxes and a new Pharaoh Unique spawn.
STR and INT characters deal damage to boxes and Pharaoh Uniques close to each other.
You are rewarded for each char/box/unique you kill. The event ends when the 4th Pharaoh Unique is killed or 15 minutes are completed.
In addition, 1 random player from the players participating in the event is also rewarded.
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 2x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 4: 100M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 5: 50M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 1 Arena & 2 Gift Silk & 10M Gold
Per Unique Kill: 5 Honor Points & 30 Gift Silk & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Box Kill: 250M Gold
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After the 10 minutes left notice has passed, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
Only party masters can register for the event and if the party master leaves the party, the registration will be broken, the new party master must register again.
All participating parties are drawn to the event area and the process after that is exactly the same as the original Battle Arena.
The scoring system is also the same as the original and the biggest difference of this event is that all parties registered for the event fight together in the same map.
The party with the highest score wins the event. One random player from the players participating in the event is also rewarded.
Winner Party: 2x Lilith Box to Party Members
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 1 Arena Coin & 2 Gift Silk
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Although it is an event similar to the Styria events you see on other servers, there are a few changes that will add color to it, you will like it more!
After the 10 minutes left notice passes, the registrations open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
All participants are divided into 2 different teams. The event duration is 10 minutes. Styria Boxes will spawn at certain intervals throughout the event.
The character who kills the Styria Box both gains a special buff and earns 10 points for his team. Your team gains 1 point for every kill you get during the event.
After a certain time has passed after the event starts, 2 special event mobs will spawn. This mob has quite a lot of damage, but it will definitely be worth the kill.
The character who kills the Special Event mob will directly go into zerk mode and the zerk will not end until he dies. Try to stop him without getting too many kills!
The team that earns the most points at the end of 10 minutes wins the event.
Winner Team: 10 Honor Points & 250M Gold & 1x Lilith Box
Loser Team: 2 Honor Points
Rank 1: 1B Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Rank 2: 500M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Rank 3: 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin
Per Kill: 1 Honor Point & 1 Arena Coin & 2 Gift Silk & 10M Gold
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All participants are drawn to a special map and divided into 2 separate teams.
Your main goal while pvp with your opponents during the event will be to destroy the opposing team's tower.
The event duration is 15 minutes and if no tower is destroyed during this time, there is no winner.
The first team to destroy the opponent's tower wins the event.
Winner Team Reward: 10 Honor Point & 250M Gold & 10 Arena Coin & 1x Lilith Box
Loser Team Reward: 2 Honor Point & 1 Arena Coin
Per Kill: 10M Gold & 2 Gift Silk & 1 Arena Coin
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After the 10 minutes left notice, the registrations will open and you can register for the event from the Event Register tab in the guard menu.
Only party masters can register for the event and the party options must be EXP/ITEM Free For All.
If the party master leaves the party, the registration will be broken and the new party master must register again.
All participating parties will be drawn to the event area and they will pvp.
Dead characters will be teleported directly to the city. One random player from the players participating in the event will be rewarded.
The event will end when there is only one party left in the event area or when 20 minutes are up.
Winner Party: 2x Lilith Box
1x Legendary Lilith Box to a Random Participant
Per Kill: 10M Gold & 1 Arena & 2 Gift Silk